Setting your profile

Each Learn account includes a profile page where you can store information about yourself. The first time you log into our platform, you will need to complete your account onboarding by filling out the required profile information.

How to complete your profile onboarding ?

Once you login you will be redirected to a similar page where you will have the option to change your “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Phone Number”, “Date of birth”, “Gender” and “Address”.


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⚠️ It is required to upload a Profile picture in order to proceed with your onboarding process.

Once all the informations are verified click on “Confirm” Button.


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In this step you will need to fill your academic informations. Once you have verified all the details click on the “Confirm” button to proceed.


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Finally, for the last step of professional information you will need to choose your current status.

You also have the option to make your profile visible to recruiters which will give you extra change to be noticed.


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Once you have finished all the required details click on the “Continue” button and you will be redirected to you main profile dashboard where you can start learning.