Checkpoint correction

Checkpoint is where students can submit their work to be evaluated by instructors. It has specific and general assessment criteria, including deadline respecting, project quality, and knowledge application. In this article we will explain any issues and concerns related to the checkpoint, including how the score is calculated and how the checkpoint history is upgraded.



How to rate student checkpoint submissions?

To rate student checkpoint submissions, follow these steps:

  • Click on the "Start Review" button on the student's checkpoint submission
  • Review the student's work based on the checkpoint criteria and general assessment criteria.
  • Select "Yes" or "No" for each checkpoint criterion and assign a score for each general criterion.
  • Provide an overall feedback comment on the student's work. The overall score will be calculated based on the criteria scores.
  • Click "Validate" to finalize the rating. The student will receive the rating and feedback.

Can the student re-submit the checkpoint?

Yes, the student can resubmit his checkpoint in the condition that you did not close it yet.

What if a student submits an invalid link or no link at all?

If a student submits an invalid link or does not submit any link for the checkpoint, you can reject the submission:

  • Click "Reject" on the student's checkpoint submission.
  • Provide a comment explaining why the submission is being rejected. For example, "Invalid link submitted. Please submit the correct link for this checkpoint."
  • The student will receive a rejection for the checkpoint submission along with your comment. They will need to submit a valid link to complete the checkpoint.

How are student checkpoint scores calculated?

Student checkpoint scores are calculated as follows:

  • 50% of the score comes from the average of the general assessment criteria (deadline, instructions, etc.).
  • 50% of the score comes from the checkpoint-specific criteria. If there are no checkpoint-specific criteria, the entire score comes from the general assessment criteria.
  • Not meeting the deadline will result in a score of 0 for that criterion.
  • The final checkpoint score is the weighted average of the individual criteria scores.

Can students see their checkpoint history?

Yes, students can access their checkpoint history from their dashboard or profile page. The checkpoint history page displays the following information for each checkpoint:

  • Checkpoint name
  • Submission date
  • Score obtained
  • Status (validated, needs improvement, rejected)
  • Deadline
  • Track and level This allows students to monitor their progress and review their performance on previous checkpoints. It is a useful resource for students to understand their strengths and weaknesses and work to improve.