Join your online session

When you teach in our online hackerspace, all of your sessions will take place online on our platform. In this article, we will explain how to join your online session as an instructor.



You cannot join the session ?
15 minutes prior to the start of the session a  “Join Session” button will appear for you on your dashboard. Also, check your email you will recieve as well a link that you can use.

If you have not received an email and button did not show up, join using this link :

⚠️If you still cannot join your session, please report to your hackerspace manager and the support team.

You are already in the session but students haven’t joined ?
  1. You must wait for 15 minutes and try to reach out to your students.
  2. Report to your hackerspace manager to reach out to the students. If the hackerspace manager confirms that no student is attending you can then leave the session.
Can I rescheduled session ?

Yes! If you have a valid reason, you can reschedule your session, inform your hackerpsace manager and he will provide you with a link to the rescheduled session.


 💡 As in instructor please make sure to keep you webcam open during the session