
One To One Explained

At GOMYCODE, we offer a personalized service called One to One. It's designed to provide you with individualized support and guidance from experienced mentors. With their guidance, you will be able to deepen your understanding of the material and receive targeted feedback that helps you to overcome any obstacles that you may encounter.



What happen if I lost internet ?

Make sure you have a stable internet, If you something went wrong reach out to your instructor and he will contact the support team to fix your issue.

Can I access questions and answers of a one to one I passed ?

After your one-to-one is corrected by your instructor, you can access it to view the questions and answers.
  • Go to your One to One
  • Click on detail

Can I take it again ?

It is possible to take your one to one once. But depending on the reason why you need to retake it, after reporting your issue, a review will conducted and a decision will be made as to whether the conditions are met to rearrange the One to One.

Is One to One mandatory?

Yes! The One to One is a must in order to proceed the progress of your course.


Face to Face One to One

Once you have completed the skills and reached Face-to-Face One-to-One, you will be asked to schedule a meeting with your instructor. During this meeting, your instructor will ask you questions and evaluate your answers. A timer will be set up while you answer your questions. Once your time is up, the meeting will end.

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Automated One to One

  1. Once you finish the skills and reach the Online One-to-One
  2. Verify that you have a stable internet
  3. Start answering the questions of the One-to-One, take your time and try to be as accurate as possible.
  4. Be aware of the timer : once your time is up, you will submit your answers.
  5. Your instructor will correct your answers and send you back your grade and the correction

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One-to-One Anti-cheating police

We still want the simulation to be as fair and real as immersive as possible :

  • Once the student starts, he enters a full-screen mode that he cannot exit
  • Students cannot Copy or Paste into the answer’s block
  • Questions come in a randomized order

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