
This article provides a detailed guide to the Attendance on the Learn platform. The aim is to enable smooth monitoring of instructors and students' attendance, automating timesheets and payment cycles for instructors.



How do I submit attendance for a session ?

If you are an online instructor, your presence will be marked automatically based on how long you stayed in the session. Same for your students.

In this case the attendance is automatically filled.

Why am I marked as absent ?

You were marked absent because you did not attend the entire duration of the session.

What should I do if I have technical issues during a session ?

If you have technical issues during a session, please reach out to support team immediately for assistance.

What should I do if I was present for the whole session but the status shows as cancelled ?

You will need to reach to your hackerspace manager and he will check with the support team.

Is the status of my session is related to my payment ?

Yes! you only get paid for the sessions that have completed as status.